2025-02-07 Product news

Join Alfa Laval’s upcoming Net zero event: Accelerating the shift from fossil to circular carbon

On 4 March, at 15:00 CET, Alfa Laval will host an online Net zero event with experts on renewables and circular carbon to discuss how we can break this dependence on fossil carbon – and you are invited.

Carbon is the cornerstone of the chemical, plastics and fuel industries. Today, most of it comes from fossil sources. Until we adopt a circular carbon approach, these industries will not be fully sustainable. By using carbon from sources such as captured CO2, biomass, and recycled materials, we can defossilize our industries and achieve a circular economy for carbon.

The existing fossil carbon economy is massively protected by capital interests and infrastructure, and thus the transition to circular carbon needs a boost. Through collaboration, planning, leadership, and inspiration, we can push the transition forward and reach net zero in time. This is the focus of our upcoming Net zero event.

On March 4th, at 15:00 Alfa Laval will host an online Net zero event broadcast, focused on insights and sharing best practice on how to accelerate the shift to a circular carbon.

During the panel discussions, we will deep-dive into critical topics in the industry including:

  • Defossilization and the transformative shift into future carbon sources
  • The importance of partnerships
  • Challenges in accelerating the shift from fossil to circular carbon
  • Investing in the transition
 Achieving the Paris Agreement's net zero targets by 2050 requires every industry to embrace carbon neutrality. Defossilization stands as one of the critical solutions in this transition, and the industry is ready to scale. The time to act is now, and collaboration through partnerships founded on a shared vision is key to driving this transformation forward, says Thomas Møller, President Energy Division, Alfa Laval.

For further information, please contact: 

Tomas Bäckefjord 
Vice President Marketing & Communications, Energy Division 
Mobile: +46725554458 


This is Alfa Laval

The ability to make the most of what we have is more important than ever. Together with our customers, we’re innovating the industries that society depends on and creating lasting positive impact. We’re set on helping billions of people to get the energy, food, and clean water they need.  And, at the same time, we’re decarbonizing the marine fleet that’s the backbone of global trade.

We pioneer technologies and solutions that free our customers to unlock the true potential of resources. As our customers’ businesses grow stronger, the goal of a truly sustainable world edges closer. The company is committed to optimizing processes, creating responsible growth, and driving progress to support customers in achieving their business goals and sustainability targets. Together, we’re pioneering positive impact.

Alfa Laval was founded 140 years ago, has customers in some 100 countries, employs more than 21,300 people, and annual sales in 2023 were SEK 63.6 billion (5.5 BEUR). The company is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.  


