
The range of Alfa Laval i-DW decanter centrifuges is ideal for continuous sludge dewatering and thickening from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment as well as from potable water treatment, when the main focus is reliability, cost-efficiency and simple operation with medium capacity and dry solids.

IDW decanter for sludge dewatering

Fundamental performance in a cost-efficient way

  • Small footprint
  • Low power consumption
  • Low cost of ownership
  • Low noise emission
Like other Alfa Laval decanters, i-DW makes use of certified technology to offer high quality, robustness and easy serviceability. The innovative design, incorporating patented solutions, operate in fully enclosed process sections.

Duurzame oplossingen versnellen

Stel je een duurzamere wereld voor. Een wereld waarin minder nodig is om nog meer te produceren. Een wereld waarin we efficiënt voorzien in onze groeiende energiebehoefte en tegelijkertijd de CO²-uitstoot verminderen. Stel je een wereld voor waarin we de kracht van natuurlijke hulpbronnen kunnen benutten en we deze hulpbronnen tegelijkertijd kunnen behouden. Bij Alfa Laval stellen we ons deze wereld niet alleen maar voor. Samen met onze klanten en onze partners werken we aan de verwezenlijking hiervan.

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How it works - working principle of this decanter centrifuge for sludge dewatering and thickening

Separation takes place in a horizontal cylindrical bowl equipped with a screw conveyor. The feed enters the bowl through a stationary inlet tube and is accelerated smoothly by an inlet distributor. The centrifugal force that results from the rotation then causes sedimentation of the solids on the wall of the bowl.

The conveyor rotates in the same direction as the bowl, but slightly slower, thus moving the solids towards the conical end of the bowl. A special Liquid Lock conveyor design (patent pending) accelerates light particles before discharge for optimum separation. It also facilitates the small footprint.

Separation takes place throughout the entire length of the cylindrical part of the bowl. Relatively low G-force is needed for the i-DW decanter to deliver good performance in terms of capacity and cake dryness. This contributes to low power consumption.

The clarified liquid leaves the bowl by flowing out of the casing via special patented energy saving Power Tubes that enable lower speed of discharged effluent. The cake leaves the bowl through the solids discharge openings into the casing.

Download product leaflet

decanter centrifuge hub

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