
The Alfa Laval AlfaPure range of centrifugal separator systems removes oil, grease and solid particles from water and oil-based liquids. Continuous cleaning increases wash liquid life by 600% and extends coolant life to up to 10 years.

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Reduced machine wear, increased uptime

  • Removes water, abrasive metal fines and other particles as small as 2 μm
  • Plug-and-play module for easy installation
  • No plant redesign required
  • Disc stack technology speeds up the separation process
Alfa Laval AlfaPure reduces tool wear, so you benefit from more precise machining, fewer rejects and a longer service life. It also creates healthier working conditions and reduces your disposal costs. This industrial service fluid cleaning system is normally installed in a bypass system, operating continuously without interrupting machinery operations.

Accelerating sustainable solutions

Imagine a more sustainable world. A world in which less is needed to produce even more. A world in which we efficiently meet our growing energy needs and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions. Imagine a world where we can harness the power of natural resources while preserving them. At Alfa Laval, we don't just imagine this world. We build it together with our customers and our partners.

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Cutting fluid separation

Keeping your cutting fluids free from solid and liquid contaminants prolongs tool and fluid lifetime, which means a lower total cost of ownership and less service downtime.

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Wash liquid cleaning

When it comes to cleaning wash liquids, the replacement process can be costly thanks to disposal and downtime. With efficient separation, you can maximise productivity and efficiency for longer.


Sustainable separation

It’s important for any business to reduce its environmental impact. Alfa Laval separators can remove oil, water or particles in seconds without producing additional waste, with a significantly lower energy consumption compared to conventional centrifugal separators. Liquids can be recovered and reused, which reduces required transports for disposal and further improves overall sustainability.

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Steel satisfaction

Outokumpu, the global leader in stainless steel, was able to maximize production efficiency while reducing its carbon footprint by using a range of Alfa Laval equipment. The new way of working also results in less scrap and better quality in the final products.

Keeping cutting fluids clean

The Alfa Laval production unit in Eskilstuna improves the efficiency of 40 metal working machines by cleaning the cutting fluids. The fluids are efficiently cleaned by a separator in an integrated in-loop system.

Contact us

If you want to find out more about cutting fluid separation, fill in the form and one of our experts will be in touch soon.

