White paper - Fuel choices and boiler combustion

Fuel choices and boiler combustion

You have several fuel strategies for complying with MARPOL Annex VI emission requirements. Whichever strategy you choose, it will affect more than just your engine operations. It will also have consequences for your boiler that need to be taken into account.

There are different ways to reduce SOx emissions for MARPOL Annex VI compliance. Either you can install a scrubber and continue using HFO, or you can work with one or more compliant fuels: LNG, MGO or low-sulphur/ultra-low-sulphur HFO. Your decision is not dependent on your boiler – but your boiler will be affected by it.

If you choose a scrubber, you will also need to choose between cleaning boiler emissions separately or incorporating the boiler into your scrubber system. Your boiler may need certain modifications to perform optimally in combination with a scrubber.

If you choose a different fuel than HFO, there are a wide range of boiler-related factors to consider. These include fuel line safety, fuel properties and the burner itself, but also the relationship between different flame characteristics and the boiler’s configuration.

Alfa Laval can help you evaluate the issues and ensure that you get the best performance from your boiler – no matter which fuel strategy you choose.

Download our white paper for an overview or get in touch with us to discuss.


Freek Van Beuningen

Global Service Operations Manager



  • Boiler operation optimized for the chosen fuel
  • Maximum boiler reliability
  • Safety in fuel handling
  • Boiler emission compliance